We offer a free, independent service, helping you through the process of organising support. We aim to ensure you have what you need to make informed choices. We are independent of all other services (Social Work, NHS, support providers etc.)
When you get in touch, our experienced community workers will firstly want to find out what is important to you, or the person you’re caring for. This will let us give you one-to-one support to start help you thinking about what care and support is best for you.
We can help at any stage of your social care and Self-directed Support journey. You can come back to us at any point.
We can also help you with getting involved in peer support if this is something that interests you.
Some things we can support you with…
Requesting an assessment
Identifying outcomes that suit you
Letting you know what to expect and helping you prepare for an assessment meeting
Explaining the 4 options of Self-directed Support
Explaining other ways you can fund the care and support you need
Providing information through leaflets and resources
Helping you come up with ideas about creative ways to use your Individual Budget
Understanding the process of employing your own personal assistant
What to do if you’re not happy with the Council’s assessment
Putting you in touch with useful organisations
Opportunities to become involved with peer support
You can make a referral to Support Choices by clicking here or by contacting us on or 01350 729130 / 07925 635590.
Getting the right help
"Getting these carers in has been a great success... I feel better, and if I feel better, he feels better… now I can take a big sigh and get on with the easy bit"
Isobel is a carer in Pitlochry who is now accessing Self-directed Support to help with personal care and respite. Support Choices helped her on the journey.